Have you ever walked in a real Japanese rock garden? If you haven’t already, meet this unique representative of Japanese gardens!
Japanese rock gardens are facilities that are usually associated with the sophisticated culture of Buddhist temples. A special feature of these gardens is the appearance of the water symbol, which is usually represented by pebbles collected in long river lines. The content of these gardens varies from absolute simplicity to extremely complex rock gardens.
Japanese rock gardens
The main gardens created in Zen temples were usually built south of the main building. These gardens are usually surrounded by walls. In these types of Japanese gardens, virtually only the designer’s imagination can set the boundaries for garden design and construction. The arrangement of huge stones or rocks can be chosen with incredible variety. With a well-thought-out and planned stone concept, we can create a disturbing scene of even a vision-only drama.
Japanese garden design
At the heart of Japanese garden design is the balance of proportions. The huge stones are balanced with the open areas of the flat gravel river. The layouts themselves usually symbolically represent images designed to evoke a paradise feeling in the viewers. The purpose of Japanese gardens is to bring to life the communication between man and nature.
Japanese garden
Over time, the style of Japanese rock gardens has become virtually synonymous with zen gardens. During our walks in Japanese gardens, you may want to seek the help of a knowledgeable person if you really want to understand the culture of beautiful Japanese gardens. If you have any questions about Japanese garden design or construction, feel free to contact us!