Dani Zoltán +36 20/223-0462
If you would like to admire the wonderful flora, get to know another culture, and want to relax a bit after the noise of the city center, feel free to visit a Japanese garden!
The Japanese garden seeks to convey the love of nature, along with the naturalness of human contemplation. It has been an important part of Japanese arts for more than 1,000 years.
A japánkert japán stílusban épült kert, melynek célja, hogy egyszerre gyönyörködtessen és elgondolkodtasson, békés, nyugalmat árasztó helye legyen az elmélyülésnek, meditációnak. Kevésbé spirituális célja az érdekes formájú kövek, ritka növényfajok bemutatása.
The Japanese garden is a garden built in the Japanese style, the aim of which is to delight and reflect at the same time, to be a peaceful, calm place for deepening and meditation. Its less spiritual purpose is to present interestingly shaped stones, rare plant species.
Want a Japanese garden, but don't know if your garden is right for the project? Learn more about the space requirements of Japanese gardens.
Just like the basic colors on the painting palette, Japanese garden designers will see the plant, the empty space, the rock, the water, the gravel, the lantern, the „bubbling”, the waterfall.
Have you ever walked in a real Japanese rock garden? If you haven’t already, meet this unique representative of Japanese gardens!
If we hadn’t even been to a real Japanese tea garden, we could have met one or two on the movie screens. But what are these beautiful gardens really for?
The best-known pieces of these catchments are usually found in front of Japanese shrines, but can also be found in Japanese tea gardens.
The beautifully blooming cherry blossoms are almost automatically associated with Japan and the unique Japanese gardens.
In ancient times, plants were mostly grown for food or medicine.
Mosses hit their heads in virtually every type of garden over time, there are garden owners who are also specifically bothered by the presence of these little plants.
Get to know the structure of Japanese gardens better!
Due to their unique style, Japanese gardens are popular all over the world, we can visit many parts of the world, even Hungary if we want tranquility and recharge.
Get to know some of the typical flowers of Japanese gardens!
The house, the tea house and the possible lookout building form a unit with the garden.
There are several types of Japanese gardens in Japan, although it should be noted that the different styles are not mutually exclusive at all.
Wherever one walks in any Japanese garden, one can come across interesting symbols. But do you know what is the underlying meaning behind each element in a Japanese gardens?
Continuing our previous writing, we examine some more elements and their meanings that are common in Japanese gardens.
We walk in one of the hidden, small streets of Szentendre, catching up on the steep road, we hardly notice the bamboos leaning in the wind above the fence.
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