The best-known pieces of these catchments are usually found in front of Japanese shrines, but can also be found in Japanese tea gardens.

The primary purpose of watersheds is to be able to clean ourselves before entering a special place. There are still deep-rooted traditions of cleansing and cleansing in Japanese culture to this day.

The catchment areas of the Japanese gardens

The catchments are used as a decorative element only in the 17th century appeared in private gardens. The washrooms in traditional Japanese houses were often in a small room next to the house. A basin was placed in front of the sink so that everyone could safely wash their hands after using the sink. These small catchments placed in front of the washbasins were called Hachimae.

Decorative elements of Japanese gardens

In temples and shrines, Chouzubachi can be a familiar decorative element. Chouzubachi is a general term for watersheds, the term is used for shallow watersheds in Japanese gardens. We know of several styles of Chouzubachi; round, square or carved, which can be divided into three main categories: original, recycled and natural catchments.

Basins in the Japanese tea garden

A catchment is practically essential in properly used tea gardens, even though it is merely a decorative element. It is located next to the road leading to the entrance of the tea house. An additional report can be added by placing it in a location where handwashing may be required. However, if we want to lure some wonderful-sounding birds into our Japanese garden, we put them in a place where the birds like to linger. The catchment provides the perfect place for birds to bathe and drink.


Japanese garden construction

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