Dani Zoltán +36 20/223-0462
Just like the basic colors on the painting palette, Japanese garden designers will see the plant, the empty space, the rock, the water, the gravel, the lantern, the „bubbling”, the waterfall.
The best-known pieces of these catchments are usually found in front of Japanese shrines, but can also be found in Japanese tea gardens.
In ancient times, plants were mostly grown for food or medicine.
Get to know the structure of Japanese gardens better!
The house, the tea house and the possible lookout building form a unit with the garden.
We walk in one of the hidden, small streets of Szentendre, catching up on the steep road, we hardly notice the bamboos leaning in the wind above the fence.
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© 2020 Japánkert, minden jog fenntartva - Készítette: Ideastyle - További honlapunk: Urban Nature